UTAU wiki

Chiyo Sakuwatari (朔渡チヨ) is a voicebank for the UTAU program.


Chiyo is a singing android—therefore it is unlikely that she has a personality.

Supplemental Information[]

  • Hair color: Pink long hair that reaches to her elbows.
  • Earphones: White headset with lace. Has blue and pink illumination.
  • Dress: Lolita-inspired tanktop with short lacey skirt. See concept art. Her outfit is mixed with the very technical, or VOCALOID type of dress.
  • Likes: Cake, sweet things
  • Item: Cake, any kinds of sweets.
  • Height: 5'1" feet (154 cm)
  • Weight: 90 lbs (41.9 kg)
  • Age: 15

Designed to be the younger, naive, cuter of the two, with accomplishing moe status. Chiyo was designed to look like your average lolita- ruffles, frills..etc. Her shapely figure was taken from her voice actress' appearance with added moe qualities.

Voicebank details[]

Set in hiragana and aliased in romaji, she can sing in Japanese quite fluently. English/ French/ Spanish phenomes are included, although are not completely finished, therefore are under a beta stage.

Download link: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B2KVbXsR78_YNDhjMGZlNzctZGIyYi00MDdlLWJlZDctZjg3ZjMzMjQ4YWNk&hl=en_GB
