UTAU wiki
Mackne Sae reDUX icon MACKNE SAE

(Japanese: Mack音サエ - まっくねさえ - Makkune Sae)
Mack音 (Makku) References the Macintosh computer systems by Apple, Inc.; (Ne; Sound)

サエ (Sae, 冴, Clear, Serene, Skillful)

TYPE: Eppalloid

F3~B4 (English VCCV)


Mama Mackne (Grandmother)
Naga Mackne (Grandfather)
Kyou Mackne (Father)
Gogo Mackne (Mother)
Kioshi Mackne (Aunt)
Mimi Mackne (Aunt)
Neneki Mackne (Aunt)
Sai Mackne (Twin brother)
Ryoma Mackne (Cousin)
Wewe Mackne "Blue" (Cousin)
Wewe Mackne "Purple" (Cousin)

AGE Appears 15 GENRE Varies HOMEPAGE Family Page
WEIGHT Undisclosed CHARACTER ITEM iPod nano 6th gen CREATOR Inochi-PM and KazukoP
HEIGHT 158 cm VOICE SOURCE KazukoP PICTURE LINK LIST reDUX YOUNG art, ACT1-ACT4.21 art, pixiv, deviantArt
BIRTHDAY February 24, 2010 LIKES Sweets, Rain, Dressing up MEDIA LIST niconico, YouTube, SoundCloud, clyp
RELEASE DATE June 8, 2011 DISLIKES Being left alone SIGNATURE SONG self esteem -reflection-
PERSONALITY: Sae is initially very timid, but she becomes more expressive and passionate when she sings. Besides music, she loves the rain and dressing up! She likes sweets, especially cupcakes. "I hope you like this – it's only for you, so I will stick around!"

Character Design[]

reDUX Design[]

Mackne Sae reDUX
Hair:Sky blue; Bangs part on the right; Hair curls on the left side of the head.
Eyes: Darkened indigo.
Head: tba
Cape: tba
Dress: tba
Gloves: tba
Legs: tba
Nationality: Japanese.

YOUNG Design[]


ACT1-4.21 Design[]

Hair: Sky blue; Bangs part on the right; Hair curls on the left side of the head.
Eyes: Darkened indigo.
Head: Violet floppy hat with a lavender ribbon around; Accessorized with a silver apple emblem.
Cape: Violet cape that covers the top torso; Outlined with purple and mint green zig-zags; White touchscreen on the center with a symbol of a whole apple.
Dress: Violet dress that reaches down to her knees; Wears a purple/mint green belt above the waist with one matching suspender to accessorize.
Gloves: Violet gloves from fingertip to wrist; Right glove has a lock function and a headphones jack.
Legs: White stockings; Dark grey Mary-Janes.
Nationality: Japanese.

Supplemental Information[]

None yet.

Voice Configuration[]

Sae's voicebank is


【MACK音サエ】ローリンガール【UTAUカバー】300 SUBS

configured in hiragana with romaji aliases. She is currently in ACT4.21. ACT4 CV can be downloaded from the link below:

ACT4: Download link

There are



two Append CV voicebanks available for Sae: Vivid and Light.

軽 (Light): Download link
鮮 (Vivid): Download link

Her default VCV is currently available.

VCV: Download link

Some details are based on existing information and usage experience. The details seen here may be subject to change without prior notice.
