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==Yoake/Yūgure Hikarine=====(japanese: '光音'夜明'・'光音夕暮れ - 'Hikarine Yoake・Hikarine Y'ūgure===

Name interpretation:

光音 (Hikarine) - Light sound

夜明 (Yoake) - Dawn: Because of the kind of voice she will have.

夕暮れ (Yūgure) - Dusk: Opposite of Dawn; He will have a deeper voice.Not as high-pitched as Len Kagamine,but higher than KAITO.


Male (Yūgure) and Female (Yoake)
Age: 14
Birthday: March 10th

Yoake: 5ft 3in

Yūgure: 5ft 6in
Weight: Unspecified
Character food:

Strawberry (Yoake) and Nectarine (Yūgure)

Voice source: UNKNOWN (Not decided)
Vocal range: UNKNOWN (No Voicebanks yet)
Genre: As above


Drawing,watching anime,cooking,being petted and bright early summer mornings


Playing electric guitar,riding his bike with,animating,the dark,sleep and space



The dark and loud noises


Having to be patient and waking up too early

Pictures: Hikarine twins joint Deviantart

Personalities: Yoake is a very hyper-active and slightly childish girl,whereas Yūgure is a much calmer,more sensible and mature boy.Yoake is a daydreamer,always thinking up a new idea to draw something,and is the more imaginative open-minded twin.While Yūgure hates having to be patient,he could have the patience wait for pigs to fly when he writes his music,perfecting every note,chord and bridge.

Both will react like cats if you pet them: Yoake will be happy,but Yūgure hates it, so will be like a cat in water; very,very angry.

Supplemental Information[]


Hair colour: Red with orange tips

Headset: Black with silver,orange and red lights (Not seen in current illustration)

Hair accessories: Two silver pointy hair clips

Eye colour: Hetrechromic; Right eye is Yellowy-Orange while the Left is Red

Dress: Black one-shoulder shirt with off-the-shoulder sleve-things and yellow edge-highlights [XD IDK what it would be called] ;knee-length cut-off shorts rolled up at the ends with a red belt; black boots with several leather belt-like accessories;black sleeves with yellow and orange highlights and fingerless black gloves

Nationality/Race: English 

Favourite phrase:あなたは私の図面が好きですか?(Do you like my drawing?) [She loves drawing,and enjoys showing her friends her drawings when they are finished.She constantly pesters her brother,Yūgure,with her drawings.]


Hair colour: Red with orange tips

Headset: Black with silver,orange and red lights (Not seen in current illustration)

Eye colour: Hetrechromic; Right eye is Red while the Left is Yellowy-Orange

Dress: Black one-shoulder vest with a half--tshirt kind of thing and yellow edge-highlights [XD IDK what it would be called] ;knee-length shorts [Kiiiiiindaaaa like Len's :P] ; black boots with several leather belt-like accessories;black sleeves with yellow and orange highlights and fingerless black gloves


Favourite Phrase:わずか5分以上してください! (Just five more minutes,please!) [He dislikes early mornings,and likes to sleep for as long as possible.He is a procrastinator when it comes to waking up.]

Voice Configuration[]

Since there is no Voicebanks for either twin at this moment in time,nothing can be said about their voices.But plans for them are as follows:

- CV Japanese Voicebank 

- CV VC Japanese voicebank

-CV English Voicebank

-CV VC English Voicebank

-Soft Voicebanks

-Whisper Voicebanks

-Append Sweet/Warm/Power/Normal [Yoake]

-Append Serious/Cold/Power/Normal [Yugure]

-A spanish voicebank at some point with all the above

-An ACT2 Voicebank a year or two after the original voicebanks debut's (with all VB's from ACT1 getting updates with it)
