UTAU wiki


Name Interpretation: English girl name

Type: Momloid- She's voiced by my mother

Model: Unknown

Gender: Female

Voice Range: ?

Age: 18

Alternate Age: 27

Genre: Any



Related Character: Akira, Kacey, Jun, Victorian, Jackie (daughter), Kotomi (daughter), Tadashi (husband), Akio (brother-in-law), Nicky (cousin)

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Character item: Doesn't have one yet

Creator: Tiana Koopa/TianaKoopa1

Voice Source: Tiana Koopa/TianaKoopa1's mother

Birthday: April 2

Release date: September 2

Likes: Video games, drawing, hanging out with her friends, Tadashi

Dislikes: Tadashi (sometimes), rude people, bullies

Personality: PLEASE NOTE-- Even though Jasmine is given a personality, you are free to make one up.

Kind, energetic, friendly

If you like to roleplay, you are free to roleplay as any of my UTAUs

Supplemental Information:

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Dress: A blue shirt, jeans, black boots, armwarmers

Alternate design: A blue hat, blue jacket, blue pants, and black shoes

Headphones: None

Signature song: https://soundcloud.com/tianakoopa1/jasmines-finished-voicebank

Voice Configuration

Her Act 0 http://tianakoopa1.deviantart.com/art/Jasmine-s-finished-voicebank-download-397762819

Her Act 1


Her VCCV English


-Her alternate age is 27 because she would've been too young to have Jackie.

-She is based off of my Mario OC and my original character

-Jasmine loves to sing with Akira and Kacey

UTAU Jasmine

UTAU Jasmine
