UTAU wiki


Supplemental Information[]

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Purple

Outfit: A short sleeved light blue button up, yellow bow tie, pink suspenders, dark grey shorts and pink slippers, he usually wears a beloved blue hoodie around his waist, a call to the gyaru nature of his vulgar humour, blunt intimacy, constant flirting and hobby for his looks.

Race: Japanese, French, Indian and Black, he's hopelessly mixed but calls himself white to keep things simple.

Download, Precaution, and Uses[]

Kaori is an UTAU made purely for fun and to test the program; he is a Japanese only CV with a simple, loose oto that's rough and unpolished. He's compatible in Hiragana and Romaji.

You can download him here [1] Commercial use of Kaori's voicebank and character design are prohibited, with the exception of distributed songs on ad based monetized platforms, in which case credit to ILG is needed.

This article is written and certified true and correct by the author of the character. The details seen here may be subject to change without prior notice.
