UTAU wiki

I am an idol. I'm a star! I burn bright and last forever.
—Shinrai Yamato

Shinrai Yamato is a voicebank for the UTAU program.


Etymology details[]

  • Name: Shinrai Yamato
  • Meaning: Trust/Faith, common surname
  • Group: Infinite Novella
  • Sample: *Please see Voicebank Details*
  • Example of Voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrgEt_96uQA
  • Serial Number: 1109-YS(Her voicer's birthday, her initials. This is on her back between her shoulder blades)

Character details[]

  • Description: A youthful, somewhat bratty and childish Android with the power to sing and dance. She loves her friends and will fight for them if needed.
  • Outfit: A green, white, black dress with a classic piano roll. Details include pause and play button as well as a bow necklace.
  • Hair: Chestnut Brown, long twin-tails held together by green flower clips.
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Likes: Bright colors, melons of any kind, cheese, sweets, spicy food, her friends, singing, juggling, cats, dogs, frogs, stormy nights, making funny noises, rubber chickens, whoopie cushions, playing cards, video games, horror movies, playing pranks, relaxing music, flowers, the color green, swimming, cold places, places with low light.
  • Dislikes: Rude people, people comparing her singing to others, being judged harshly, being pranked, loud people.
  • Notable Features: Shinrai has a serial number under her arm labelled IN-00. She added this herself and it stands for Infinite Novella-00, because she is the first member of the band. She also thought it looked cool.
  • Signature Item: Silver cellphone with a green and black flower-shaped charm.


Shinrai was born from a secret project headed by the top scientists at Yamato Laboratories: Daisuke Yamato(son of the founder Daichi Yamato) and his wife, Emiri Yamato. The pair had wanted a child, but neither could bare one. So, they had decided to use their talents in robotics to make an android that simulated a human being. Though they knew that Daisuke's father wouldn't agree to such a project, they were determined to create Shinrai. They snuck funds from other projects to support the research and development of Project S and began to work. Emiri and Daisuke worked tirelessly to ensure their plans were a success.

However tragedy had struck. Daisuke left for work and allowed his wife to rest, as the pair routinely switched shifts. The day went on as normal, but as soon as he was ready to head home he heard grim news. It had been set ablaze by Daichi's assistant, who had found out what they were doing. Rather than report to the boss himself, she took matters into her own hands. While Emiri slept, she had thrown a lit match into their window, igniting the gas tank and causing a massive explosion. Unbeknownst of the horrors that took place, she perished in the blaze. Heartbroken, Daisuke had ran into the ruins of their home and found that some of Shinrai's data was still salvageable. He continued their work and eventually created her. Though it took many years, he was able to see her become a reality and spent the remainder of his days looking after her like a parent. He passed away at the age of 80 from old age. Before he did he told Shinrai one thing: Go out and be the star you wish to be.

Shinrai left the lab and began working on forming Infinite Novella. She found Roze while spending time at a local café. The pair had similar stories to share and became fast friends. They wanted to make music together, but found the idea of a band more fun. So, the pair set out on an adventure to find some of the most fascinating people to create Infinite Novella.


  • Kowareru Kotone- Fellow Bandmate/ Older sister figure
  • Fukurone Kai- Fellow Bandmate/Bodyguard of the group
  • Roze Puru- Best friend/ Fellow Bandmate
  • Kerra Lunameadow- Fellow Bandmate/ Mom friend
  • Keromi Dart- Fellow Bandmate/ Met while on a walk in the woods.
  • Daisy Watanabe- Fellow Bandmate/ Friendly rival
  • Yamato Emiri- Deceased "mother"
  • Yamato Daisuke- Deceased "father"
  • Aisatsu Nashi- Mother figure/ Babysitter (prevents her from getting into trouble)

Voicebank details[]

Starlight [VCV]

A raspy, three pitch voice bank. It's youthful, and perfect for Pop songs. It can be a little soft.

DL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ddsb24EjOSxu7A8TQy5Dt11lAvY4W2JW/view?pli=1

Known Issues: The prefix map might need to be fixed up.

Limelight [CV]

Language: Japanese

Recording style: Soft and cutesy.

DL: TBD (Beta available soon)

Otoed by: TBD

Known Issues: Very soft. May have pronunciation errors, but the samples are clear.

Taken from: Half-a-Head/Zoe's Vocaloid Bossa Nova Medley

Glimmer [VCV]

A bright sounding bank with multiple pitches. Currently being worked on.

Terms of Use[]

All the provisions below shall be applied to the voicebank:

  • R-18 Content Allowed? Permission not required
  • Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission required
  • Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission required
  • Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Permission required
  • Terms of use? Click here ...

This article is written and certified true and correct by the author of the character. The details seen here may be subject to change without prior notice.



  • Shinrai was originally going to be based off of Miku, but the creator decided to make her look different.
  • Shinrai adores high production vocal synth characters like VOCALOID and Synth-V. Her idol is Hatsune Miku. Hence why she wears her hair in twin-tails.
  • If she undid her hair, it would reach the ground.
  • She sometimes takes out her hair clips before bed.
  • She went through many design changes and got an upgrade thanks to the help of a mutual friend.
  • Shinrai's name is loosely based off her creator's name.
  • She can read backwards and upside-down very easily. She will sometimes write this way to playfully confuse her friends.
  • Shinrai squeaks when excited about something.
  • She can sing really fast, but it scrambles her circuits.
  • Her signature/character item was originally Edamame, but has since changed to a cellphone with a green flower charm.
  • Shinrai has an Edamame plush named "Bean-bean" she had since she was first created.
  • Her body is made up of a metallic skeleton, bionic organs and optical censors. These all look nearly identical to real human parts.
  • Her skin is very smooth and soft. It's made from silicon.
  • She likes playing Otome games and dreams of producing one herself.
  • Shinrai is afraid of heights above 10ft.
  • Her voice can fluctuate from sweet/youthful to mature and deep due to a glitch. When someone points this out, she becomes flustered.
  • Her idol is Hatsune Miku and she put her hair into pigtails just like hers as tribute.
  • The hair ties in her hair are green flowers that grew in the lab where she was made. They last forever due to genetic modification.

